Friday, February 17, 2017


Lesson 4

One thing I can say for sure – flow brings real happiness!

Flow is a state of joy, creativity and total involvement, in which problems seem to disappear and there is an exhilarating feeling of transcendence.

According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow is what we feel when we are fully alive, involved with what we do, and in harmony with the environment around us. It is something that happens most easily when we sing, dance, do sports – but it can happen when we work, read a good book, or have a good conversation.

Engagement, or flow, is one of the strongest pillars around which Positive Psychology is built. Here, one is fully in the present, immersed in something worthwhile. For an auto-telic person, the experience becomes its own reward.

We each have the potential to experience flow, whether at work, at play or in our relationships.

Jagat Singh Bisht
Founder: LifeSkills

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